Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jude Forbes Coleman: 7 weeks olds

So, since Jude was born I have attempted almost every
week to update my blog, but as all you mothers know
being a mother is a full-time job. This might sound
cliche but it really is the best job ever.

I think Heavenly Father made babies cute, otherwise
new parents might go a little crazy. What I mean is
I really didn't realize (and I don't think any one can
until they experience it) how draining, both emotionally
and physically parenthood can be.

I am so grateful for all the support our family and
friends have given us these past weeks.

I am especially grateful for my mom and dad and Spencer's
parents. Both for their help with Jude and also for being such
great examples of loving parents.

Also, I am so grateful for Spencer. He has been a great support.
Thank you for being calm when I am so anxious. Thank you for
allowing me to sleep longer than an hour and a half stretch.
Thank you for putting your family first, especially when
you have had several other demanding responsibilities.

We have taken so many photos of Jude that it was very
difficult to narrow down the best.

I hope you enjoy!

From Collages

Amelia, Steven and Dr. Linkston (aka Lincoln) came to visit
a couple weeks ago. The Lincoln Claus is a solid boy,
especially compared to the Little Jude Boy.

Also, it is fun to have my cousin Mekelle close by for bonding time.


  1. He is so adorable - i love all of the pictures...especially the one where he is cross-eyed up at the top ;)
    hope we get to see him (and you two) again soon!

  2. You guys are so cute. I hope all is going well.

  3. Oh, I want to hold him again. He is a beautiful baby! And you guys are such cute parents. So glad we got to see you the other night!

  4. Rachel-you look amazing! Jude is so handsome and lala-licious. I love it when he crosses his eyes!
